“But his delight is in the law of the LORD and in His law does he meditate both day and night.”
Psalm 1:2
The word for meditate in the scripture above is ‘Hagah,’ which means to moan, growl, utter, muse, mutter, meditate, devise, plot, and/or speak. David is calling us to utter God’s word day and night.
Meditation is both reflection and contemplation of God’s truths. Mantras, it would seem, are tools to help us get into a meditative state. It is a conscious thought control…on biblical truths. The problem with the current age of the world is that our attention is pulled every which way. This idea of being constantly distracted is often known as the monkey mind.
We read countless times how we should discipline our minds, renew our minds, and take captive our thoughts. It’s so easy to allow our minds to focus on lack, sickness, hurt, and more. What if we took those negative thoughts and could focus back on the promises and truths of God? This is how we have the mind of Christ. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. What is your mind currently stuck on?
Christian Mantras, Phrases, Focusing Exercises:
Before I give a few helpful ideas for Mantras, remember that this is all in unison with God. This is not magic, supernatural, or anything other than psychology. Focus on a word or phrase and allow God to speak to you through it.
There is indeed power in the name of Jesus. Wherever you are, slowly repeat the name of Jesus and allow yourself to visualize the first things that come to mind. Jesus is power, he is healing, he is saving, and he is your help.
Yahweh was eventually considered too sacred to be spoken, but God loves hearing his children call upon his name. Yahweh is a tremendous rhythmic word to breathe in and out. Allow his Hebrew name to saturate your entire mind.
God Fights For Me
Continue this phrase over and over again and a slow and steady pace. Be mindful that God will fight tooth and nail for you. There is no wall he won’t kick down and no lie he won’t tear down to get to you. Place your thoughts on this rather than the negative around you.
Full Verses
You can also use a few verses and promises as Mantras. Simply take these slowly and repeatedly speak these over yourself or as a reminder. It’s incredible how God speaks to you when you point your thoughts to his truths.
Bottom Line Point:
If we don’t take time to train and focus our minds, plenty of other things will. The TV will change your view on relationships, music can change your thoughts, and even books can warp your mind. The brain was created to soak information and process it. What are you processing? Concentrate and focus on scripture, and you will kick the monkey mind. It is here, as Romans 12:2 says that you will know the will of God.